A vision for the precinct
The ‘Reimagining... Liverpool Health, Education, Research and Innovation Precinct’ Report outlines a vision for the Precinct, and the plan to make the vision a reality.
Building on current strengths, the Liverpool Innovation Precinct will grow its health service delivery footprint using public and private collaboration with cancer care and translational research, and education as the flagships of the Precinct.
The Precinct will also leverage its position in Liverpool as a hub for healthcare robotics and advanced manufacturing and will support the broader logistics hub for health and medical products. This will be driven by strong public-private collaboration across the Precinct, supported and enabled by digital technologies.
Health & Research Vision
Building on current strengths, the Liverpool Innovation Precinct will grow its health service delivery footprint using public and private collaboration with cancer care and translational research, and education as the flagships of the Precinct.
Currently in the planning phase, the Liverpool Hospital Stage 2 redevelopment builds on the enhanced acute capacity completed in 2012. The next stage of the Liverpool Hospital Redevelopment is proposed to include a cancer centre, clinical services, associated support services, and facilities and capacity for further teaching and research associated with Ingham Institute and University Partners.
The Precinct will also leverage its position in Liverpool as a hub for healthcare robotics and advanced manufacturing and will support the broader logistics hub for health and medical products. This will be driven by strong public-private collaboration across the Precinct, supported and enabled by digital technologies.
Health, education and research integration to enable innovation and collaboration across Precinct partners and with the Liverpool community.
Establishment of the Precinct as a Centre of Excellence for Cancer and Translational Research and Health Technology.
Development of an advanced manufacturing, automation and logistics hub.
Further expansion of the hospital complex through the vital next stage development of the Public Hospital and the co-location of a Private Hospital.
‘Open’ as the default model to attract investment.
Health as a growth industry in Liverpool
Liverpool has a growing and diverse population. The profile and trends of the population of Liverpool and the broader South Western Sydney (SWS) region provide a range of opportunities and challenges that define the context for the Liverpool Innovation Precinct. Combined, these make health a growth industry for Liverpool and supports the culture of innovation in Liverpool.
Strong population growth - South Western Sydney (SWS), in particular Liverpool, is Sydney’s fastest growing region, with significant growth expected over the next 20 years fuelled by infrastructure and housing investment. The Precinct will cater for increased demand for healthcare and wellbeing services and will further develop a skilled local workforce to support the health demands of the growing population.
Changing demographics - The Liverpool area has a diverse and changing community. There is a breadth in language and cultural groups with over 150 languages spoken in the region. There is also significant socio-economic diversity within the Liverpool region. The Precinct will be developed with the community around it in mind and will act as a vehicle for local community needs. Education and research will address the unique needs and characteristics of the community.
Lifestyle behaviours of local communities - Within SWS region, the community experiences increased rates of a range of diseases and issues including chronic disease, cancer, diabetes, mental health and drug and alcohol abuse. The broad mix of lifestyles and associated burden of disease provides an ideal environment in which to undertake clinical trials with broad applicability. The Precinct will be a world leading research hub supporting the health and research areas that matter to the local community.

Reimagining – Education Vision
Liverpool presents the opportunity to become a world-class education precinct that caters for the future needs of students, researchers, industry partners and the broader Liverpool community.
Numerous education providers already have a presence in Liverpool across all stages of a student’s educational journey, with three universities (WSU, UNSW and UOW); one research institute (Ingham Institute); one TAFE NSW campus; five schools; and several early learning facilities.
Early Childhood (0-5 years)
The Precinct will provide a range of early childhood services, with an objective to facilitate partnerships between Precinct organisations to create a curriculum that is research informed and adaptive to changing global demands. An emphasis should be on providing introductions to STEM skills.
Existing schools in the Liverpool Innovation Precinct will be fully integrated into the city to benefit from the Precinct’s facilities, with an emphasis on research and industry-specific fields that are prominent within the Precinct and the Liverpool LGA.
Greater collaboration between industry and vocational providers will ensure that students are developing the appropriate critical skills for the jobs market. Engaging with local employers to understand their workforce needs will enable the development of clear career pathways and the relevant technical skills that have both short and long-term job prospects.
Close relationships between higher education institutions and research facilitates knowledge creation and dissemination that has the potential to deliver substantial personal and community-wide social and economic benefits. There will be a continued emphasis on delivering a flexible and adaptive approach to learning, with a focus on STEM subjects as the cornerstone of university-delivered health and research opportunities.
Liverpool has a well-defined core and a concentration of activity in the city centre, its strength is in its local feel. Liverpool has the potential to be a premier ‘college town’ where education is the linking element that ties the city together. It provides a place where people want to settle for life as well as a place that is alive and consistently attracts new talent.
Liverpool builds on its strong civic character by optimising development in the city centre that supports clear urban design framework, material character and development brief.
A vibrant city is built from considering activation of streets along main desire line routes, the fostering of afterhours entertainment and social catalysts.
Collaboration and cooperation are optimised by co-location, shared facilities and clear physical links between anchor institutions.
A Life Long approach to living in Liverpool through catering for all ages and all lifestyle choices, ensuring a mix of housing options, activities, work and social and economic inclusion.
Health outcomes are considered in every urban decision emphasising public transport modes over car travel, enhancing green space.
The Liverpool Innovation Precinct launched its Land Use Analysis and Precinct Strategy with NSW Planning and Open Spaces Minister on Monday 28 October 2019.